OpenBroadcaster Documentation
models / uploads_model.php



Manages media uploads to the server, checking for validity and returning relevant file info. Also manages thumbnails for both media and playlists.

public  file_info ( id, key )

Get relevant info about file upload.

id Upload ID.
key Upload key.
Returns [type, format, duration]
public  is_valid ( id, key )

Return whether an uploaded file ID and associated key is valid. Returns FALSE if no ID or key is provided, or if no associated row can be found in the uploads database.

Returns is_valid
public  thumbnail_get ( id, type )

Retrieve a thumbnail for media or a playlist.

id Media or playlist ID.
type Which thumbnail subdirectory to retrieve from (see thumbnail_save).
Returns [success, thumbnail_base64, msg]
public  thumbnail_save ( id, type, data )

Upload a thumbnail for media or a playlist.

id Media or playlist ID.
type Which thumbnail subdirectory to put things in (media or playlists, to make sure IDs don't overwrite each other).
data Thumbnail data in base64 format as provided by JS FileReader.
Returns [success, msg]