OpenBroadcaster Documentation
classes / obfcontroller.php



Manages controllers. Makes frameworks available, adds associated controller request handlers, and methods get called when calling methods on associated models.

public  __call ( name, args )

Shortcut to use $this->ModelName('method', arg1, arg2, ...).

name Method name.
args Variable argument list.
public  __construct ( )

Create a new instance of OBFController. Makes various classes of OB available by default, such as OBFLoad, OBFDB, OBFUser, OBFCallbacks, and OBFHelpers.

public  data ( key )

Grab an argument from the data variable when a controller is called from the API.

Returns value
public  handle ( action, hook=null, position=null )

Default controller REQUEST handler. $action only used for direct call from API. Other argument used when called as callback.

action The controller method to be handled.
hook Optional hook when handled as callback. Default NULL.
position Optional position when handled as callback. Default NULL.